I've been reading travelers' books lately, but I haven't been writing in the travel books category for a long time because I couldn't find any content worth including on my blog. I even said a short while ago that “I will no longer buy or read books written by travelers”. Until the beloved, whom I know and follow on social media, and whom I find very warm and sincere. Rain Upskirt from social media accounts One Way A Thousand Chances until he announces that his book is on pre-sale. I couldn't resist and immediately ordered two books, one for me and one for my followers, I thought.

Yağmur Arat - The Book of One Road A Thousand Chances
Yağmur Arat – The Book of One Road, A Thousand Chances

Who is Yağmur Arat?

Before talking about the book, let me briefly talk about who Yağmur Arat is. I got to know him through social media. When I met him, he had started a world tour and was traveling alone in Japan. Both instagram and youtube accounts had reached a serious awareness and number of followers.

Yağmur is a young woman who started her career after graduating from university, but soon realized that the corporate world order was not for her and hit the road.

rain Instagram ve youtube You may know them from their accounts. If you still don't know, make sure to follow.

The part that interests me and I like the most in Yağmur is; Although he may seem very frivolous, maverick and brave, he is actually much more mature and sane than his age. "How did you know that?" I even heard you ask. Let's say I read between the lines of some of the things he wrote, said and shared. I must have gotten a little bit better at weighing people this age by now, right?

One Road A Thousand Chances Book

Without further ado, let me share my feelings and thoughts on Yağmur's book, Bir Yol Bin İhtimal.

Like the head teacher, I recently shared that “I am now alienated from travelers' books due to typos, grammatical errors and information errors”. The thing that I was most worried about was that you work so hard (although I am not sure how) you write a book, that no one spares resources to have an editor read it and at least correct the typos and grammatical errors. When I took Yağmur's book and saw the editor on the first page, I must say that it started with a plus one. And I don't know if the editor really worked or if Yağmur wrote it properly, I didn't see any mistakes other than 1-2 typos.

Yağmur Arat - The Book of One Road A Thousand Chances
Yağmur Arat - The Book of One Road A Thousand Chances

Coming to the content of the book; Yağmur talked about her world tour from beginning to end to get to know herself. He wrote down his journey to find himself, the difficulties he experienced on the way, his joys, sorrows and tides. A book written like a diary. Since it has a very plain language, I took it with me on my trip to Kayseri and finished it right away on the way back and forth.

There were a few points in the book that bothered me. The first, and I think the most important, is that he talks a lot about being on a journey of self-seeking. We understand this to a large extent from what he has already told, his deeper feelings about the journey of self-seeking will perhaps give us more sharply in the future as his pen gets stronger and he will not have to write about this subject over and over again. The second issue is a little more editorial. There are recurring points within the stories. There are sections where we re-read the same subject a few pages apart. I think this should not have gone unnoticed by the editors.

In his book, Yağmur often talks about how much he likes to read, which I think requires being a good reader and knowing the texts of successful writers to write good books. Genç Yağmur shows us that he has also improved himself in this regard.

I would definitely recommend that people under the age of 30, who have not found what they want from life or still have not decided what to do, should definitely read the book One Way A Thousand Chances. The sooner you start writing your own story like rain, the more you will love and respect yourself as you get older. As you love and respect yourself, the people who stand in your way will do the same.

While reading Yağmur's book; I thought how beautifully he explained that we cannot learn the world just by reading, but that we can truly perceive the world by traveling, seeing different cultures and different lives. This book gave a very good answer to the question of whether he reads a lot, knows a lot, or travels a lot.

If you want to buy the book One Yol Thousand Chances, it is on sale at many online book sales sites. I bought it for 365 TL from Kitap15 site where the first sale was made. The price of the book is also traveler friendly!

Read a lot and stay on track!

"Does he who reads a lot or travels a lot?" I started by saying, I am still looking for an answer. I travel after my dreams and share my experiences on my blog, newspapers and magazines. I love to travel, read, write and dream.


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