Hasan Söylemez described his trip to Turkey on a bicycle, which he summarized as “one bicycle, zero lira, eight months, ten thousand kilometers”. Journey to Life book It was first published in April 2015. Hasan SaymezHe got bored of his life in the office and resigned with a sudden decision, cycling at the same speed and broke In this book, he told about his decision to go on the road and his journey on a bicycle that lasted for eight months. Hasan Söylemez continues his journey to Africa with his bike, which he now calls Journey to Dreams.

Hasan Saymez
Hasan Söylemez and me 🙂

Who is Hasan Söylemez?

Hasan Söylemez is a crazy person who one day decided to resign and set out while he was a journalist. He is different from the people we are used to seeing every day. Saying goodbye to all the money and all his belongings in his pocket, he went on his bicycle journey to Turkey.

It has an inspiring story for those who are bored with their lives but cannot get out of their own prison due to various excuses. This is a story that tells us that money is the last thing we need to hit the road, to realize our dreams.

Although the book Journey to Life tells about his trip to Turkey, Hasan is currently traveling around Africa on his bike again and documenting this trip with videos. You can find it on Youtube as “Journey to Dreams” or Hasansoylemez.com You can follow through.

Journey to Life Book

Hasan Söylemez's book, Journey to Life was one of the books that I could not put down and that made me sleepless. With his successful use of Turkish, which is probably due to being a journalist, and his fluent writing language, as well as his inspiring story, a book that can not be put down by one's hand has emerged. Maybe he chose to be a journalist because of these talents, who knows?

The book Journey to Life begins with Hasan's decision to resign and his preparations to depart. Then, he narrated his journey, step by step, the stories of the people he encountered during his journey, and Turkey's lesser-known geographies in a poetic language. We read about families who look after Hasan for days when he is sick, people he does not know who surprise him on the road, as well as people who do not take Hasan to their garden or village when he needs him most. Sometimes I couldn't control my tears while reading the book. As I approached Istanbul, I felt the anxiety of returning to the chaos of the big city on the one hand, and the happiness of having come to the end of a long and difficult journey that took 8 months, on the other hand, I felt as if I had gone and returned by myself.

Journey to Life is a book that should be in the library of anyone who complains about their ordinary life, loves to travel and explores, and is especially interested in cycling.

The book came out of Hayykitap and is now in its 3rd edition. There is no e-book version of the book that you can easily order online.

Click to buy Journey to Life book.

"Does he who reads a lot or travels a lot?" I started by saying, I am still looking for an answer. I travel after my dreams and share my experiences on my blog, newspapers and magazines. I love to travel, read, write and dream.

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