South Africa transportation options vary depending on whether your trip to South Africa is long or short. I will list my recommendations purely based on my own experience.

Intercity Transport Options in South Africa

1. like me BazBus you can use. It is a mode of transportation preferred especially by foreign backpackers. I intend to write a separate article about BazBus.
2. Train routes may not be a very wide network, it is useful to research according to the route to visit before you go. Honestly, I've never used a train. Train options in South Africa You can get information from this link.
3. They call them taxis, especially those used by black people and very economical minibuses there is. I rode once but I was told it was not very safe, I did not have a problem. They are really cheap compared to BazBus.
4. You can rent a car, car rental is very convenient. If you intend to be on the road for a long time, it gives you flexibility and time. Since I was traveling alone, I preferred BazBus to be able to socialize more.

Intercity Transport Options in South Africa
Intercity Transport Options in South Africa

I hope I have given you some idea about South African transportation options.

"Does he who reads a lot or travels a lot?" I started by saying, I am still looking for an answer. I travel after my dreams and share my experiences on my blog, newspapers and magazines. I love to travel, read, write and dream.

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